When thinking about IT management, there is so much that goes into it. Technology has evolved over the last few years and will continue to evolve. IT management includes the basic functions of management such as staffing, organizing, budget, and control; but has the responsibility of software development, change management, network planning, and tech support as well.

IT Management Defined

The simple definition of it is, managing anything related to IT or tech within your organization. The complex definition is that it is the observing and administering of an organization’s systems. IT management ensures the most efficient systems operations.

The 3 Components:

  1. IT Strategy
  2. IT Services
  3. IT assets

How can IT Management help your business?

An IT Manager is there to help you align your tech and business goals, helping you get the most efficient use for your organization. Having an IT manager will ensure that your organization is monitored 24/7 and will administer the information technology systems, such as hardware, software, and networks.

  1. It will save you money- IT Management will force your IT department to prioritize the goals and issues that are important to your organization. This will help get a better idea of which projects need more or less funding.
  2. It will save you time- by creating a plan for everything and everyone involved in IT, your team will not have to scramble last minute for any issues that arise.

The Importance of Having an IT Manager for Your Business:

As mentioned before, the IT manager makes sure that all the technologies for your organization are secure and high performing. Did you know that a cyber attack can cost your organization 200,000 dollars on average? Or that small businesses are the ones that are most vulnerable to a breach? Having an IT manager will help prevent attacks from happening.

Why have us manage your IT Services?

  1. CIO Functionality- Here at CompuOne we have an experienced CIO, that will keep an outlook and a roadmap for the constantly changing technology.
  2. Infrastructure Design- We design IT infrastructures that are composed of both virtual and physical solutions. These support the storage, flow, process, and analysis of data.
  3. On-Site IT Support- Our IT experts will meet with your organization in person to resolve any IT issues that you come across, that cannot be solved remotely.
  4. Help-Desk Support- We have remote access available 24/7 by phone.

To learn more about our Managed IT Services, click here

Contact us, if you have any questions about our IT Management services

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