How to remove your personal information from Google Search with one simple tap
Google recently announced and update that they are giving the option to its users to hide personal information when doing a Google search. Google just unveiled a new tool at their annual developer conference that will allow users to simply tap and report whether the information is a phone number, email address, or physical address.
In an April blog from Google, users had to prove the potential harm of requesting the new types of information through a form submission.
Soon, a new tool will let you more easily request the removal of Google Search results containing your contact details — such as your home address, phone number and email address. This feature will be available in the Google app and on individual Google Search results. #GoogleIO
— Google (@Google) May 11, 2022
In the past, users have been able to request the removal on Search of certain sensitive information such as:
- Bank account numbers
- Credit card numbers
- Images of handwritten signatures
With the new update to their policies and tools, users can request removal from other additional types of information like:
- Phone number
- Email address
- Physical address
This doesn’t mean that Google can remove your personal information entirely from the internet, and your removal request doesn’t guarantee that either. If the information is newsworthy or appears in a current news article, such as a government website, it will not be extracted.
This new form has been scheduled to launch within the United Stated from Google for almost a decade now, in light of this recent news. Back in 2014, the European Court of Justice ruled that all search engines must allow European internet users the ability to request their information be wiped as it is their “right to be forgotten.” Since implementing that ruling, Google received over 650,000 removal requests.
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